Want to enjoy the benefits of pet ownership without the commitment of owning a dog or cat? One of these seven small pets might be your best bet. Pets can be great sources of companionship and comfort, and the health benefits of keeping a pet are well documented. Pet owners often experience increased self-esteem and reduced feelings of loneliness, and they may even gain physical health benefits such as lowered heart rate and blood pressure. But maybe you aren't up to the challenge and responsibility involved in owning a dog or cat. If that’s the case, don’t overlook the benefits of small pets! From pet birds and rabbits to ferrets and pet rodents, these guidelines can help you choose the best small pet based on personality and the level of care needed to safeguard its pet health. Is a Rabbit Right for You? Pros:
Let a Bird Brighten Your Life Pros:
Keep a Hamster’s Schedule in Mind Pros:
Have Fun With Ferrets Pros:
Take a Gander at Guinea Pigs Pros:
Choose a Chinchilla Pros:
Get Acquainted With Gerbils
There are plenty of pet alternatives to choose from, especially if you are more comfortable welcoming a small pet into your home.
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For the LOVE of Pets The goal of this blog is to help educate pet owners by sharing pet health facts and pet news articles...and ... sometimes put a smile on your face with a cute or funny pet story! Categories
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