What to Expect...
The actual procedure is quite simple and peaceful. Once you and your pet are ready a small injection of a sedative/pain reliever is given. The process can take place anywhere that your pet feels most comfortable or enjoys, whether that be a favorite sun-filled chair, your bed, or outside. Over a period of about five minutes, your pet will gently fall asleep, and the only thing that he will experience is feeling your love as you sit by his side, or cradle him in your arms. Once your pet is fully sedated, an intravenous catheter will be placed. Then a final painless injection is administered through the catheter, and only takes a few moments to take effect. We will listen to your pet’s heart and let you know when your beloved friend has passed away. After your pet has peacefully departed, you may choose communal or individual cremation. Home burial is an alternative option, but certain counties prohibit on-property burial so please contact your local officials if you are planning to bury your pet's remains on your property.
All Pets Great and Small Crematorium will perform your pet's cremation according to your specific wishes. Individual and communal cremation services include handling and transportation of your pet's remains from your home. Additionally, if you chose an individual cremation for your pet, one of our dedicated staff members will hand-deliver your pet's ashes to your home at no additional cost. |
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(480) 760-5896 Same-Day Appointments Available ** Awarded
Best of Chandler Veterinary Care 2021 |
** Please note that Dr. Kristin Lawmaster is the only doctor available to assist pet owners with their beloved pets and that there may be times when she is unavailable during regular business hours. When she is unavailable Dr. Lawmaster will refer you to another doctor or emergency clinic at that time.